Windows 11 How to Clean and Optimise your Computer

As part of our dedication to not only providing a fantastic service to our customers when they have issues we also want to spend time educating people and training customers on how to resolve issues themselves. This not only benefits their knowledge but can also save them time when facing basic issues that can be solved by simple user action.

Not everyone has had the chance to learn about IT basics and we want to take an active approach to help educate people and improve confidence when it comes to working with technology.

In this video we discuss cleaning and optimising a computer when using Windows 11 and similar operating systems. One of the most common tickets that we see is people experiencing general slowness on their computers, by following our steps it can help to improve the longevity of machines and reduce frustration when it comes to working with their devices.

Improving device longevity can reduce frustration, reduce IT spend on procurement and also has environmental benefits by reducing the amount of technology going to landfill.

Watch our video below…

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